Here's a card from my last workshop.
The motorcycle stamp set is retired, but the image is still available in My Digital Studio. I printed out a bunch of the motorcycles and then ran the image on the cardstock through the Big Shot with the new die. (The name of the die escapes me at the moment!) (A side note: I am writing this from a vacation I am on, and do not have my catalog with me. If the names of the items are a wee bit off, that is because my memory is always a wee bit off. Well, let's be honest here...there is more than just my memory that is a wee bit off about me. However, a tilted personality makes for a unique one! Anyway, please pardon my mistakes, as I know I will have some! I'm trying to be brief here. Successful there, huh! Not. I could look everything up online, but to be honest, I'm too lazy to do that today!! Hey, I AM on vacation. *smile*) See how shiny the motorcycle chrome is? That shine was made using Pearl Ex and Future Floor Wax Finish. I put the floor finish in an Aqua Painter and then just dip the tip into the Pearl Ex and paint. Easy and not messy! The Pearl Ex needs nothing else done to it because the floor finish has acrylic in it and the medium is set as it is applied. Like I said...easy! My hostess asked me to demonstrate the Pearl Ex since SU used to sell it, and she had a lot. Always fun to revisit the past and use something again. The silver panel of the card is aluminum foil. Did you guess that? I know, purdy! We took heavy duty aluminum foil and cut it to size and ran it through the Big Shot using the new Fan Embossing Folder. Here's a hint from me, your friend. Do not apply adhesive to the back of the foil. Apply it to the cardstock and then press the cardstock to the foil to adhere the foil. The less you touch the foil, the luckier you'll be in not getting a rip. We also ran the black strip of cardstock through the Big Shot using another new folder, the Argyle Embossing Folder. I think it looks like faux leather. Chrome and leather and a purple motorcycle. Funny thing, most of the ladies had someone in mind that they wanted to give the card to. The sentiment on the inside of the card says, "Well-behaved women seldom make history." So true. See the paper piercing around the motorcycle? That was done with the new Paper Piercing Pack. Way cool. Love the larger size of it. If you get one new non-stamp thing from the new catalog...that's a great choice. Don't forget to get the mat.
Okay, my friends, it's back to vacation. Thanks for the stop in!