
Friday, September 2, 2011

Christmas Lodge Workshop

I have been working on putting together a Workshop on the Go for my customers the past week.  When the Holiday Mini was given to us at convention, the set that I fell in love with immediately is the set "Christmas Lodge."  It is so old fashion!  So soft and detailed.  I had to have it.  So I bought it in my preorder as a demonstrator and began playing with it.  That turned into the idea of creating a workshop for my customers that they could do on their own, at their own pace, but with all the card stock cut and directions.  The resulting workshop I am calling the "Get Together Workshop" and I plan to offer them periodically.
Here are the three projects in the workshop...

And here is what you get in the workshop!!

There is enough materials for 6 of each project to be completed.  Just kit and you are a dozen cards closer to being ready for Christmas plus 6 gift tags ready to go!  AND, you will have a beautiful stamp set to keep and use again as well as left over bling.

You will notice that the workshop comes with the clear mount Christmas Lodge set, a package of Basic Rhinestone, and a bottle of the new Dazzling Details Glitter.  All of the card stock and ribbon comes cut and ready for you, or you and some friends, to assemble. 

I have this Christmas Lodge Get Together Workshop available now.  Would you like one?  What if you already have the stamp set and just want the card kits?  What if you just want the instructions?  No worries...I offer all three.

I am placing the order for the materials for the workshop on September 15th.  I will begin shipping the workshops out as soon as I get the order returned and kits prepared... I'm expecting to have them shipped by the end of the month.  I will email you the PDF instructions when I ship your workshop. 

Option 1: The Entire Get Together Workshop is $70 (shipping and tax are already included.)
  • including the stamp set,
  • rhinestones,
  • glitter,
  • prepared card stock and ribbon is .
Option 2: Just the prepared card stock and ribbon is $35 (shipping included)
  • You can order multiples of this.  There are enough prepared kits for 6 people to complete 1 each of all three projects.
Option 3: If you only want me to send you the PDF instructions with cutting guidelines, the cost is $3. Lots of photos to help!

Order now and then set aside some time to get together with a friend, or maybe even 5 friends, and make the Christmas Lodge Workshop.

Workshop contents