
Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to school and something cool

If your household has been anything like mine, you're looking forward to school starting on Monday.  This time of year always reminds me of my own school years--the school supplies and the clothes and the anticipation and nerves about seeing classmates after a summer away.  My children are excited to go back, for which I am grateful.  Back to school time can also be expensive.  Fortunately, my children have never been worried about keeping up with others and are willing to use again supplies from last year.  This year, my daughter was okay not getting new colored pencils, but really wanted a new pencil box.  We compromised and she picked out some of my designer paper and we created a box to hold the pencils.  It's nice that she still thinks something I create is cool.  Very simple, but it made my daughter smile!

A loop of hemp around the buttons keeps the box closed after the tray slides back into the outer box.  Don't those buttons look yummy?  They are the new buttons in the brights collections. They remind me of sour candy! My daughter likes that she can pull the tray out of the box and not have her pencils roll around her desk.  We also had a good time creating the box.  Stampin' Up! save me again! lol

This next card was a card I made back in January.  This is the cool part.  I was looking at pictures of the Stampin' Up convention that were posted by another demonstrator.  Lo-and-behold, one of the pictures was of my card, which had been posted on a display board at convention!  One of my cards made it to a display board at convention!!  Besides that, this other demonstrator liked it so much she took a picture of it so she could use the idea in her own workshops!  That is too cool!  Stampin' Up encourages us to send sample cards to them so they can use them in displays or in the magazine.  But not every card they receive makes the cut.  Just imagine how excited I'd be if one of my cards made it into the magazine.  My family would not be able to live with me! lol.  Here it is...

I wish all you moms out there the peace and quiet of your family away at work and school.  Get some stamping done! :-)