
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3D from convention and a personal note

This is the 3D swap I made for convention.  I used up all of the embellishment holders I had.  Each one was filled with peppermint and cinnamon hard candies.  My daughter Olivia helped me make them.  I was not sure what to make for a 3D, but these seemed to be fine. Kind of patriotic.  IRL, these do not look as splotchy as they do in the picture.  Maybe that's the flash? IRL, they just sparkle.

On a personal note:

Today is a special day.  Nineteen years ago today, I married my hubby.  Can you believe it!?! We have actually been together for 21 years.  In two more years, I will have been with Mitch longer than I was single.  Go figure.  He still makes me laugh, he still makes me feel loved, and he still makes me feel like I am THE luckiest woman to have married him.  He's a sweety! I am thankful for him EVERY day.  Together we can get though anything...we know. I love you Mitch!